Croptracker - Blog

What growing techniques shape your production? Plow, chisel, disk, ridge plant – all of these tillage systems offer different advantages when growing in poorly drained soils and aim to start your growing season off with a suitable soil environment. If tillage is in your planning, ideally it’s  executed conservatively: the mechanical manipulation of soil promotes erosion, creating greater need for compensating inputs over time, and larger strain on food production systems worldwide. 

Long days outside mean you’re going to have to charge up one way or another. Having a weather resistant power source for your work in the field is key to ensuring your data tracking and communications are uninterrupted. We’ve highlighted some currently available portable batteries and power banks of note that aim to pass the test of your day to day needs.

The Produce Traceability Initiative (PTI), sponsored by the Canadian Produce Marketing Association, GS1 US, The Produce Marketing Association (PM), and United Fresh, aims to bring accurate, electronic traceability to every step of the food supply chain. Last week they announced new standards for traceability and labelling in the US and Canada in advance of the 2020 Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) draft to be released this September.

Organic farming must adhere to the regulations and standards in your region as well as where your produce may be exported. Oftentimes organic standards will consist of production practice standards and permitted substances lists, and applicants must adhere to these standards for three years before selling their produce as “organic”. Organic record keeping must be maintained to prove no prohibited substances were used on the land or crops; production plans or organic system plans also required by certification bodies can include input documentation, seed sources, a five-year history, harvest records, and more. Where do these guidelines stem from, and how does it look in practice?

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