Farmers will be facing more logistical challenges and recording keeping demands in the fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic; recording proper worker hygiene and safety training will become increasingly important in the coming months. Records of cleaning, maintenance, employee training, will need to be maintained and posted with even greater frequency to satisfy both auditors and customers.
Employee time tracking, and accurate record keeping about who is working where will be vital in the event that an employee should get sick. In these situations, traceability of both their training and work history will be important to ensure that any necessary recalls, quarantine or isolation, and sanitation happens as soon as possible.
Farmers are already seeing a greater demand for these records from their retailers to prove the safety of their products. To help we have put together a list of resources and information for employers below. We have also highlighted particular health and safety reports for Croptracker users that may be more useful during this difficult time.
Employee Health & Safety Assessments & Resources
Croptracker Reports Form C. Employee Personal Hygiene - Production Site Report and Form D. Employee Personal Hygiene - Packhouse and Storage Report are reports that allow users to record employee training and create policies around handwashing, employee illness management, employee protective equipment use, and other health and safety and food safety risks.
The United States Department of Labor policy on paid employee sick leave can be found here:
The Canadian Agricultural Human Resources Council (CARHC) has issued recommendations and information for Canadian farm employees.
Resources for Employers
The Public Health Agency of Canada has created resource posters that can be displayed at work sites and in employee residences with information about COVID-19 and proper handwashing techniques.
These resources can be found here:
- About Coronavirus
- Proper Handwashing
The Canadian Federation of Agriculture has compiled their own resources page on COVID-19 for agricultural workers which can be found here
The Government of Canada has released a document meant to provide a framework for risk-informed decision making about public health actions for workplaces/businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic, which can be found here
They have also issued guidelines for employers of temporary workers which can be found here
The United States Department of Labor has created informational posters regarding paid sick leave to be displayed at worksites and residences, which can be found here:
The WHO has created a resources document on COVID-19 and Food Safety for food businesses that can be accessed directly here
We understand that there may be additional challenges on your farm or in your pack house right now and we are here to help in any way we can. Contact us to book a demo or support meeting to learn more about health and safety record keeping.
Interested in learning more about Croptracker? Learn more about our Cultivation Management Software, or book a demonstration to schedule a meeting with our product experts.
And as always, if you're ever stuck, never hesitate to e-mail us at or Live Chat with us by clicking the green speech bubble in your bottom right-hand corner. We're always happy to help, so Croptracker can make your farm more efficient, safer, and more profitable!