At Croptracker, we take our role as custodian of our clients' data seriously.  Read on to learn how we keep your data safe, secure, and reliable.



Do I own the data I store on Croptracker?

Yes.  You own and retain all right, title and interest in and to your data.  Additionally, your data remains yours after you provide it to us.


How secure is the data I store on Croptracker?

Croptracker is committed to protecting the safety of the data our clients entrust to us.  All Croptracker accounts use Secure Socket Layer (SSL)-encrypted connections by default - the same level of security used by online banks. SSL encodes your personal information - including credit card number, name, and address - as it travels over the Internet so that all transactions are secure.  Additionally, industry-standard physical and remote security is administered at data center facilities.


Do I need to make my own backups?

Croptracker automatically backs up your data for you.  Croptracker utilizes "belt & suspenders backups", which simply means that your data is backed up both on our tightly firewalled and monitored local servers and on the cloud.  This ensures that data is not lost in the rare event that anything happens to the local servers.

Croptracker executes backups every hour.  These backup files are replicated on local servers across 3 continents, and are retained for 180 days.  Application logs (for assisting Support cases) are also retained for 90 days. 


Is prone to outages?

Croptracker is committed to being there when you need it.  Our site runs on Amazon Web Services with servers distributed throughout Canada and the USA, allowing us to achieve an uptime of over 99.9%.  



 Interested in learning more about our security standards or about any Croptracker feature?  Click here or head over to our Knowledge Base, where you'll find step-by-step tutorials as well as common troubleshooting tips and more.  And as always, if you're ever stuck, never hesitate to e-mail us at or Live Chat with us by clicking the green speech bubble helpicon in your bottom right-hand corner.  We're always happy to help you let Croptracker make your farm become more efficient, safe, and profitable!


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Rural Connectivity Problems & Croptracker's Upcoming Offline Mode