Croptracker offers easy to use labor tracking reports that are included with the Work Crew Activity and Labour Tracking module.


Benefits of Labor Tracking

In a previous Croptracker newsletter, you may have read about the benefits of labor tracking. If you didn’t get around to it last time, here are some highlights of how you can benefit from Croptracker’s labor tracking module.

But did you know? You can also use Croptracker to see informative labor reports! These reports will help you make decisions about your operation and your workers. You can gain valuable business insights with payroll timesheet reports. Assess worker efficiency to know who is the employee of the month and who might need some more training, guidance or to even be let go.

Labor Tracking Reports

Labor tracking reports provide many different statistics about your workers over days and months and summarizes everything into one easy to read table. Our comprehensive suite of reports includes, worklogs, daily piecework, field pack picker productivity, daily timesheets, employee payroll and IMS payroll report.


Time and Money Saved by Using Reports

With labor making up the bulk of crop production costs, Croptracker’s reports can help you understand and optimize these significant but vital costs. By using the Work Crew Activity and Labour Tracking module you’ll already be saving hours of work time per week, and with Croptrackers informative and simply generated reports at your fingertips you’ll see exactly where you can further optimize and improve your operation’s efficiency

Simply book a demo and we will get you set up. Once you are set up with our labor tracking module, you can organize your operation and benefit from our reports.


Croptracker develops agtech solutions for industry leaders. Located in Eastern Ontario, Canada, our mission is to make crop production safer, more efficient, and more profitable. Designed in partnership with fresh market producers and distributors, every tool we create is based on direct industry feedback. Croptracker’s award-winning farm software optimizes recordkeeping, labor tracking, production and cost management. Our integrative Harvest Quality Vision technology offers instant empirical analysis of crop samples exactly when you need it. Optimize your harvest season with Croptracker’s customizable solutions. Visit to learn more about our products and contact us for a about app based solutions.