Croptracker - Blog

Commonly used terminology for the categories of fresh food we enjoy – fruits and vegetables – are often misnomers. From a culinary terminology standpoint, fruits are sweet and vegetables are not. Though it may vary depending on one’s background and region, generally the highlight of the public’s classification knowledge regarding what is a fruit and what is a vegetable is the fun fact of “Did you know that tomatoes are actually a fruit?!”

When working relies on being out in the elements, the tools you need to get the job done should withstand these conditions within reasonable use. Agricultural production is certainly not without its dirt and damp, so when it comes to something like a smartphone, what might be a good purchase? We’ve highlighted some currently available phones and cases of note that aim to pass the test of your day to day needs.

If it’s not disease, and it’s not insects - it’s birds that are the menace attempting to harvest your crop prematurely. Mitigating crop damage done by pests is a delicate matter, as maintaining healthy biodiversity and avoiding undue harm to regional species is a universal responsibility. How can growers successfully deal with bird related impacts to their livelihood, while not striking a heavy blow to species populations? Bird Control Group (BCG) is a company focused on achieving that balance, offering growers tech solutions to crop protection that uphold that stewardship. Providing award-winning, innovative products to keep birds at a distance from commercial activities, one of its primary offerings is laser scarecrow technology that harmlessly deters birds from the area.

Technological innovations have offered great efficiencies within agriculture – but that has by no means removed the critical need for skilled manual labour in each season’s successful crop and harvest. The current growing season is being met with unprecedented labour challenges that compound the already existing industry strain that reoccurs annually.

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