Croptracker - Software Updates

Software Updates Archive

New Feature(s)

  • TSD-3115 - Harvest - Expose notes or comments on iPad

    Users can now view harvest notes and comments on iOS devices

New Feature(s)

  • TSD-1330 - Spray Recalculations Spray

    Users can now easily recalculate their spray chemical amounts after making changes to the initial spray parameters.

New Feature(s)

  • TSD-3177 - Harvest - add Categories as field to Harvest Event creation in iOS App

    Users can now add categories to harvest events on iOS devices

New Feature(s)

  • TSD-3175 - Block Yield Report - Advanced Permissions

    This new feature allows users to assign advanced permissions to the Block Yield Report - limiting the areas that a user can run the report on.

New Feature(s)

  • TSD-2308 - Add application pattern Alternate Rows 100%

    Added application pattern for spraying 100% of alternating rows.

  • FT-6123 - Variety manager error when no crop selected


New Feature(s)

  • TSD-2379 - Add Undeveloped crop


  • TSD-3078 - Harvest - Reports - Orphaned Pieces report is showing errors


New Feature(s)

  • TSD-3081 - Packing Input Queue - Barcode scanner

    This feature allows users to use a desktop wedge barcode scanner to pack inventory on the Packing Input Queue screen.

New Feature(s)

  • FT-5932 - Harvest Quality Vision: Server-side developmentCamera System


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