In this customer showcase, Croptracker would like to highlight one of our longest customer relationships with Hollabaugh Bros., Inc. Hollabaugh Bros has been using Croptracker’s spray and harvest tracking modules since 2013 and has been an important part of the continued development and improvement of the spray module.

Located in Adams County Pennsylvania, Hollabaugh Bros. Fruit Farm and Market is a third-generation family farm established in 1955. Currently being managed by the second and third generations, the Hollabaugh family is committed to responsible and sustainable land management. and producing high-quality fruit and vegetables. New, in-demand varieties, growing methods and farming techniques like trellising, and No-Till land management practices help keep Hollabaugh Bros an industry leader in the region. With over 300 acres of a wide variety of tree fruit, berries and vegetables on offer, Hollabaugh sells to major retailers in the area, farmers markets and at their large on-farm market, where they often host seasonal events and sell other local produce and handmade products.

Farm Manager - mapping and planning

As a long-time Croptracker user, Brad Hollabaugh is able to see the value of Croptracker’s detailed field mapping system. The field map is the backbone of Croptracker’s farm management system. It is where details about the crop/variety, planting date, field size and more can be recorded and reported on. Brad draws his growing area borders using the field map features and uses this data to organize his planting, land management and plant ordering.

I really appreciate the mapping feature very much. That's very very helpful. It is highly visual and I like the features the interface allows. The precision mapping of our orchards and blocks and the measuring tool are helpful as we plan new plantings. I can get a very close idea of the acreage which helps me ordering trees and so forth.

Brad Hollabaugh
Hollabaugh Bros., Inc.
Adams County, Pennsylvania

Hollabaugh’s mapping details are updated as annual crop rotation happens throughout the season and as new tree and perennial crops are added. In the last few years, Hollabaugh has invested in new trellising systems for new plantings of higher yield apple and pear plantings and the accurate field size information has helped ensure the right amount of materials are ordered.

Spray - safety and audits

Hollabaugh Bros started using Croptracker’s Spray module over 10 years ago. The software Hollabaugh Bros. had been using was no longer supported by the developer, leaving them in the market for a stable and reliable digital spray record-keeping system. Croptracker’s proven farm management software was already supporting many tree fruit growers, giving Hollabaugh confidence to start. Croptracker’s spray system has been battle-tested by Hollabaugh over the years and the feedback from Brad and customers like him has helped to continuously improve and update the system.

It allows me to use my investment of time in creating records in a way that makes them highly adaptable and available in a way that you can’t do with the paper format. That’s a great value.

Brad Hollabaugh
Hollabaugh Bros., Inc.
Adams County, Pennsylvania

With 20+ spray reports available in Croptracker, Hollabaugh has been able to easily produce the information needed for the pack houses they sell to, annual GAP audits and to comply with the EPA’s Worker Protection Standard. The extensive chemical lists in Croptracker contain chemical label information that dictates PHI and REI times based on the crop they are applied to. Hollabaugh uses Croptracker to print and post spray information for worker safety and is able to easily determine the pre-harvest and re-entry intervals of any of their growing areas as needed. Croptracker worked closely with Hollabaugh, in the beginning, to ensure reports could be generated in the formats their regional pack houses and auditors require.

When it comes to regulatory compliance, Croptracker has helped us check off the boxes in many ways and that’s very helpful. It’s a digital record I have access to all the time.

Brad Hollabaugh
Hollabaugh Bros., Inc.
Adams County, Pennsylvania

Harvest - inventory management

Hollabaugh has also been recording their harvest yields with Croptracker. This data helps make decisions about crop rotations and replantings through monitoring yields season over season. Historic yield records from previous years help profit projects and build budgets season over season. Accurate harvest recording also helps to ensure food safety standards are met by aligning spray record information with harvest timing information. Being able to easily validate that harvested products passed pre harvest interval times is an essential part of satisfying pack house reporting requirements. The effects of various new chemicals and application patterns can also be tested against their effects on harvest yields leading to more economical sprays in future seasons leading to potential cost savings on chemicals and higher harvest yields.

The enduring relationship between Hollabaugh Bros., Inc. and Croptracker is a great example of how technology helps farmers. Over the years, Croptracker has not only provided valuable tools for farm management but has also evolved alongside Hollabaugh Bros., Inc., adapting to their changing needs and contributing to their success. From the detailed mapping features that aid in precise land management to the robust spray module that ensures regulatory compliance and worker safety, Croptracker has become an important part of Hollabaugh’s farming operations for over 10 years. Hollabaugh Bros., Inc. exemplifies how technology can empower sustainable farming practices and smart decision making for continued growth, efficiency and success.