Croptracker - Software Updates

Software Updates Archive

  • FT-5880 - Having multiple role groups on a farm gives user less accessProduction Practice

    This issue effected some users ability to update production practices if their user was controlled by advanced permissions.

New Feature(s)

  • FT-5679 - Limit Production Practice Events for Certain UsersProduction Practice

    This advanced permission feature allows organisations to limit users ability to see and record production practices to certain areas of their operations.

  • FT-5879 - Can't Punch In

    This issue effected some users ability to punch into certain blocks within production practice events from the mobile apps.

  • TSD-2740 - iOS Advanced Permissions - can't see events in the correct farm

    This issue effected some users ability to see production practice events from the iOS app when their user was being controlled by advanced permissions.

  • FT-5865 - Mobile General Piece ManagementPiecemeal

    iOS App: General pieces can now be edited from the Worklog form.

  • TSD-2740 - iOS App Production Practices Advanced Permissions

    This issue effected some users ability to list and edit production practice events from the iOS mobile app.

  • TSD-2724 - Updates to work logs on Android devices.Worklogs

  • TSD-2727 - Spray - growth stages and pests not appearing

  • TSD-2724 - Work Log IssueWorklogs

    This issue affected some users ability to add and edit work logs via the mobile apps.

  • TSD-2725 - Add inventory in receiving event

    This issue affected some users ability to record receiving raw inventory from 3rd party suppliers.

New Feature(s)

  • FT-5861 - Advanced Permissions User Interface

New Feature(s)

  • FT-5814 - Org User Admin - Role / Group managementAdvanced Permissions

    This upgrade allows account administrators to limit which users can access and record data based on location.

  • FT-5861 - Employee farm node UI


  • FT-5673 - Production Practice Advanced PermissionsProduction Practice

    Allows organisations to restrict which users can record production practices and related work logs to certain locations on the farm.

  • FT-5813 - Production practice search looks for all event types


  • FT-5821 - Error saving work logWorklogs


  • FT-5824 - Pallet Inquiry Report PDF ErrorsReports


  • FT-5826 - Cannot remove activity or category from production practiceProduction Practice


  • FT-5837 - Receiving inventory will not print tags


  • FT-5841 - Irrigation permission bug


  • FT-5842 - Edit Repacking Event: Cannot edit pallets


  • FT-5844 - Can't edit pallets unloaded from a shipping event that has been shipped


  • FT-5851 - Harvest summary shows inputs section when there are none


  • FT-5857 - Cannot edit or view prior packing events on the dashboard.


New Feature(s)

  • TSD-2496 - Piecemeal Pay Report - sort employees by name or employee number

    The Harvest Piecemeal Pay Report now orders results by the employee name, with the option to order by the employee number.

  • FT-5542 - Mobile app - Farm names are wrong if multiple farms share a farm id

    This issue only affected some Ontario customers who have their accounts mapping linked to Agricorp.

  • FT-5783 - Spray time defaults to 00:00 rather than the current time.

    This issue affected the default time that was set when creating a new spray record event.


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