As we can start to see spring and the new growing season come through in the northern hemisphere, the Croptracker team is looking back at the software updates we made this fall and winter and planning for new advancements coming later in 2025. Read on below to learn about some of the new features to try out in your Croptracker account. Get in touch with support@croptacker.comto learn more.

  • Offline Spray:
    • Our dev team is hard at work enabling offline spray and tank mix calculations. Croptracker’s spray module is tried and true and we are hard at work to make sure it is included in our offline app offerings for use in low or no-connection fields.
  • Chemical Storage Updates:
    • Croptracker is also improving our chemical storage system to allow for multiple chemical storage sheds, creating more granular and location-based inventory management. Chemicals will be automatically withdrawn from the nearest shed during spray events to maintain up-to-date inventory in each chemical storage shed.
  • Registered Chemical List Updates:
    • More registered chemicals have been added to Croptracker’s Canadian and US chemical lists, including chemical labels, registration numbers and crop type-specific PHI and REIs.
Punch Clock:
  • Upcoming Employee Performance Review Feature on Worklogs:
    • This spring, following a year of testing and development with a trusted long-term customer, Croptracker will be releasing an update to our Punch Clock module to include employee performance reviews. Users can attach individual employee assessments to worklogs to help support employee management and training. To access this feature now, please reach out to
Employee Report
Packing / Field Pack
  • GS1 and Voice Pick label formats:
    • Croptracker recently updated our pallet and master tag sets to accommodate GS1 standards for automatic Voice Pick code generation. This helps support our customers who ship mixed product pallets and have high volume turnover and increased product traceability demands. To learn more about this feature and how to start enabling it in your own account, see our blog article about the feature here.
    Mobile Printer - Prinitng Croptracker GS1 Label
  • Packing event product information automatic fill-in:
    • Working with a high-volume vegetable packer, we have updated the packing module to pull in relevant product information in a packing event based on the products selected during the event setup. This helps speed up the creation of master and pallet tags.
  • Field Pack Offline:
    • In time for the berry and asparagus harvest this spring, Croptracker has released an offline version of our Field Pack module to ensure seamless inventory and picker management, including interoperable product tagging and piece rates, while cellular or wifi connections are not available. Contact to make sure you can take advantage of this feature this season.
Shipping / Receiving
  • Expanded Receiving Traceability Report:
    • In response to customer feedback, we have expanded the Receiving Traceability Report with detailed tables below the traceability diagram at the top. This brings the report format in line with the popular Mock Recall Report and enhances Croptracker’s overall traceability reporting, ensuring smooth audits and information sharing with suppliers and customers.
Crop Load Vision:
  • Expanded Crop Load Vision Count and Size Over Time Chart Report:
    • Both Crop Load Vision chart reports have received an update to include a data table below the generated chart. This helps improve readability and increases the options for data sharing.
  • Imperial Size Display Preference:
    • Crop Load Vision users can now view size results on the app in both Metric and Imperial units depending on account and user preferences.
  • Expanded Supported Crop Types:
    • We have worked with new Crop Load Vision users to improve our detection and sizing of citrus and prune plums in the tree.
Order Desk:
  • New Order Fulfillment by Product Report:
    • There is a new report available for Packing and Order Desk module users which displays the total product ordered vs. the total available packed product. This report is useful for determining at a glance what needs to be packed next to meet active orders.
Employee Report
Starch Quality Vision:
  • Training on Additional Starch Pattern Indexes:
    • Working with industry experts, Croptracker has begun training of our computer vision starch scoring network to support scales beyond Cornell. For more information about how to be involved in the RnD partner group for new SPI scales, please get in touch with
General Updates:
  • FSMA 204 Workflow and Reporting workflow testing
    • Croptracker has been working with many of our growers to test our inventory management features against incoming FSMA traceability compliance requirements. We have tested in production our processes against FSMA 204 guidelines to ensure our software can handle commercial and governmental audit and reporting requests. If you are interested in learning more about changes to your Croptracker workflow to ensure you are meeting FSMA204 requirements, get in touch with our support staff at
  • Database Updates:
    • Croptracker has updated the language of our database to ensure longevity and take advantage of speed updates. Croptracker is approaching 20 years and our dev team is consistently working to ensure our app is maintained and compatible with new devices.
  • Emission Reporting Development:
    • Croptracker has also added several features to better support carbon emission calculations and reporting. By recording sprays and production practices in Croptracker, users are able to aggregate input emissions, fuel consumption and energy use for scope 1 and 2 reporting. New features will be released in 2025 to compile and export emission totals in formats that support government and industry emission reporting programs.

If you like to learn more about accessing or adding any of these new features to your Croptracker workflow, don’t hesitate to reach out to your customer support contact or email